Zadanie 1. Powtarzamy piosenki: „A sailor went to sea”, „The jellyfish”
Zadanie 2. Wprowadzenie piosenki „10 little fishies”
Link do piosenki: 10 Little Fishies
W trakcie piosenki możemy przed dzieckiem ułożyć karty z rybkami z poprzedniej lekcji. Dziecko wykonuje gesty w trakcie piosenki np.:
Three Little fishies swimming in the sea – dziecko pokazuje 3 palce,
Along came another one – dziecko łączy dłonie I nasladuje nimi ruch pływającej ryby,
And then tere were four – dziecko pokazuje 4 palce
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea – dziecko macha rękami jakby pływało,
That big ol’ shark will never catch me – dziecko łączy dłonie, otwiera je i zamyka, naśladując paszczę rekina.
One little fishy swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were two.
Two little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were three.
Three little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were four.
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea.
That big old shark will never catch me.
Four little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were five.
Five little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were six.
Six little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were seven
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea.
That big old shark will never catch me.
Seven little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were eight.
Eight little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were nine.
Nine little fishies swimming in the sea.
Along came another one, and then there were ten.
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea.
That big old shark will never catch me.
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea.
That big old shark will never catch me.
Swimming swimming swimming in the sea.
That big old shark will never catch me.
He’ll never,
That big old shark will never catch me!
Zadanie 3. Wprowadzenie piosenki “Down in the deep blue sea”
Link do piosenki: Down In The Deep Blue Sea
Przygotowujemy karty z morskimi zwierzętami: fish, octopus, whale, shark, jellyfish, starfish
Przydadzą się karty z poprzednich piosenek, brakuje tylko karty starfish, można ją znaleźć do pobrania w Internecie:
Link do pobrania karty: Starfish
W trakcie piosenki poruszamy się po pokoju udają, że płyniemy, gdy usłyszymy nazwę któregoś ze zwierząt dziecko lub rodzic podnosi właściwy obrazek do góry.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see a swimming fish.
We’ll see a swimming fish.
We’ll see a swimming fish.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see an octopus.
We’ll see an octopus.
We’ll see an octopus.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see a great big whale.
We’ll see a great big whale.
We’ll see a great big whale.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see a baby shark.
We’ll see a baby shark.
We’ll see a baby shark.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see a jellyfish.
We’ll see a jellyfish.
We’ll see a jellyfish.
Come and take a dive with me.
We’ll see a starfish.
We’ll see a starfish.
We’ll see a starfish.
Come and take a dive with me.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Down in the deep blue sea.
Come and take a dive with me.
Zadanie 4. Karty pracy:
Link do karty pracy: Captain Seasalt and the ABC pirater x color
Link do karty pracy: Pirate Popsicle stick puppet craft coloring page